
2009.05.02 Roll Call


2009.04.18 Rally Cheer


2009.04.18 Roll Call


2009.04.17 Mariano’s First Appearance

2009.04.16 First Official Roll Call @ the New Yankee Stadium

Bald Vinny leads the Bleacher Creatures in the first roll call at the New Yankee Stadium.  Featuring Bald Vinny, Brett, Jonny Damon, Nick Swisher, Mark Teixeira, Robinson, Derek Jeter, Cody Ransom, Box Seats Suck and introducing the Bleacher Toast…. “We’ve got beer!”


2009.04.03 Roll Call


2009.04.03 First Roll Call at the New Yankee Stadium


2009.04.02 New Yankee Stadium First Look

2008.09.21 Last Yankee Stadium Roll Call

Bald Vinny leads the Bleacher Creatures Roll Call for the last time at Yankee Stadium, maybe the last time forever…
Yankees vs Orioles. Yankees win 7-3.
Featuring Jonny Damon, Nady, Bobby, Jason, Robinson, Derek Jeter, Arod, Box Seats Suck, Joe Morgan Sucks and We’ve Got Spike Lee.

2008.09.21 To the Greatest Fans in the World

After the final out at Yankee Stadium, Derek Jeter and the Yankees take the mound to thank the fans.


2008.09.21 Rivera Starts the Last Inning

2008.09.21 Bernie Williams Montage

Clips of Bernie Williams at the Yankee Stadium Finale. There’s only one Bernie Williams featuring the Section 39 Bleacher Creatures and Spike Lee.


2008.08.27 Roll Call

2008.08.02 Old Timers Game Roll Call

Bleacher Creature Roll Call during Old Timers Game. Featuring Ricky, Dave Winfield, Paulie, Tino, Willie, Bucky and Wade Boggs.


2008.07.29 Roll Call

2008.07.15 All Star Game Roll Call

Bald Vinny leads the Bleacher Creatures Roll Call during the All-Star Game. Featuring Derek Jeter, Arod, Bobby Mercer, Box Seats Suck and Boston Sucks.


2008.07.14 Josh Hamilton Goes Deep


2008.07.13 Celebrity Softball Roll Call

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